WOPSSS - The Workshop on Performance & Scalability of Storage Systems
The Workshop On Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems (WOPSSS) aims to present state-of-the-art research, innovative ideas, and experience that focuses on the design and implementation of HPC storage systems in academic and industrial worlds, with a special interest on their performance analysis.
In its 5th edition, it will address the system and operating system aspects of the storage stack. The addressed workloads remain in HPC, Big Data, Cloud, and Artificial Intelligence. All these data intensive domains have to overcome the I/O bottleneck by analyzing the performance, detecting parameters, restricting the performance and eventually providing I/O optimizations.
WOPSSS intends to encourage the discussion of these topics between researchers and practitioners from both the academic and the industrial worlds.
DDN, coordinator of the Evolve project, is organising this workshop and Forth, partner of Evolve, are hosting the event in Greece.
More information HERE