EVOLVE Webinar #7: Bus transportation use case in EVOLVE Project: tools for PT service KPI assessment and traffic congestion estimation
The webinar #7 of EVOLVE takes place on October 14th at 10:30pm CEST. It is organised by partners MemEX, NEUROCOM Luxembourg, TIEMME.
The webinar aims to present the results and advantages of tools developed by EVOLVE for “No Real Time” and “Real Time” monitoring PT service KPI.
The webinar is focused on specific and real use cases concerning the PT Service operator TIEMME context in order to outlight and discuss the contribution of EVOLVE solution to the planning and control activities of PT companies. The feedback and observations from the audience (mainly composed by PT Operators and Authorities) will be discussed and collected in order to evaluate their availability to join the EVOLVE platform.
More information and registration to this webinar is available at:
The full calendar of webinars is available at: